Once you connect 6-8 cities together with bus lines and a main train line, future profits will be easy.Įxperiment and you will quickly find which initial setups work and which don't. The amount of passenger and mail traffic grows exponentially as you connect more and more cities together-something that is much easier to do with an established profitable freight line to create positive cash flow to pay for the expansion. Travelling between just two or three cities is very difficult to make profitable. I find passenger and mail very difficult to make money with in a 1930's game unless you have enough cities tied together to establish a good sized network. It's not that important if your freight train sits in a siding for a short wait while the other train passes by. You want to watch that you are not over-delivering to the power plant, try and balance out the supply/demand. FYI, next video has better quality.Simutrans is a Transport Simulation game similar to Transport Tycoon, b. Depending on how far away the two stations are, add more trains as necessary and use just a single rail line with a couple of sidings for passing. To skip the boring setup, go to 2:52 in the video. Make sure the train is set to be 100% full before departure. Run a low-cost rail line between the two, the cheapest stations you can build and run a good powered (but not necessarily the fastest=most expensive) train between them. My favorite is the fuel (coal/oil)->power station routes, if any exist on your map.

I usually start a 1930 pak128 game with freight.